Previous Conferences

4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT COMPUTING AND ADVANCES IN COMMUNICATION (ICAC 2021) organized by Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan, Deemed to be University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India, in November 2021. This conference saw the participation of about 200 researchers. Out of 446 papers 110 were selected for presentation after due steps of double-blind peer reviewing process. Each paper was required to have a plagiarism of less than 10%. The accepted papers were published iAdvances in Intelligent Computing and Communication: Proceedings of ICAC 2021, Springer Nature, DOI: 

3RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT COMPUTING AND ADVANCES IN COMMUNICATION(ICAC-2020) was held during 25th to 26th Nov., 2020 at Bhubaneswar, India. This conference saw a participation of about 200 researchers. Out of 446 papers 110 were selected for presentation after due steps of double blind peer reviewing process. Each paper was required to have a plagiarism of less than 10 %.  The accepted papers were published in Springer LNNS series (

2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT COMPUTING AND ADVANCES IN COMMUNICATION(ICAC-2019) was held during 15th to 17th Nov., 2019 at Bhubaneswar, India. This conference saw a participation of about 200 researchers. Out of 446 papers 110 were selected for presentation after due steps of double blind peer reviewing process. Each paper was required to have a plagiarism of less than 10 %.  The accepted papers were published in Springer LNNS series (

International Conference on Communication, Computing, Control and Devices (i4CD - 2018) was held during 17th to 19th Dec., 2018 at Bhubaneswar, India. This conference saw a participation of about 200 researchers. Out of 446 papers 110 were selected for presentation after due steps of double blind peer reviewing process. Each paper was required to have a plagiarism of less than 10 %.

Keynote Speakers for i4CD

  • Dr. G. S. Chae, Baekseok Univ., South Korea
  • Prof. M. Mohammadian, Univ. of Canberra, Australia
  • Prof. P. K. Dash, MDRC, SOAU
  • Prof. Monojit Mitra, IIEST, Kolkata, West Bengal
  • Prof. Swagatam Das, ISI, Kolkata
  • Prof. P. K. Nanda, SOAU
  • Prof. D. Dutta, Ex-Prof., IITKGP